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PHP with PopMonger

The class definitions for PHP are:


  class object Popmonger
string HeaderText;
string BodyText;
string MessageText;
string FailedAddress;
string HeaderField($sHeader_name);
string Field($iFieldNumber);
int FieldsCount;
string MIMEPart($iPartNumber);
int MIMEPartsCount;
void RedirectMessage("sTo_address1,To_address2,To_address3");
void ReplyWithText($fsFom_address, $sSubject, $sReply_text);
void SendMail($from_address,$sTo_address,$sSubject_text,$sBody_text,$sEx_headers);
void SaveToFile($sFile_name, $sText_to_save, $bIsAppend);

PHP Examples:

  • Insert into Access

  • Iterate Excel

  • Helper Code for Debugging and Developing PHP scripts

  • Redirect to Multiple Addresses

  • Save Bounced Addresses

    • Insert into Access

      This script will insert an entry from PopMonger into a MS Access database using PHP:


      $dbLocation = "C:\\databases\\mailing database.mdb"; //Database location

      $conn = new COM ("ADODB.Connection") //Create new ADO connection
      or die( "Cannot start ADO" );
      $conn->Open( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=".$dbLocation ); //Open database

      $sSQL = "INSERT INTO table ( field1 , field2 ) VALUES( '".$popmonger->Field(0)."' , '".$popmonger->Field(1)."' )"; //Set SQL query

      $conn->Execute( $sSQL ); //Execute SQL query
      $conn->Close(); //Close database connection
      $conn->Release(); //Release resources for this connection


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      Iterate Excel


      $dsn = "D:\\path\\to\\file\\test.xls";

      $conn = new COM ("ADODB.Connection")
      or die( "Cannot start ADO" );

      //Connect to the db
      $conn->Open( "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DriverId=790;Dbq=".$dsn );

      //Execute query
      $query = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1\$]";

      $rs = $conn->Execute( $query );

      $fld[0] = $rs->Fields(0);
      $fld[1] = $rs->Fields(1);

      while( !$rs->EOF ) {
      echo $fld[0]->name.": ".$fld[0]->value."\r\n";
      echo $fld[1]->name.": ".$fld[1]->value."\r\n";



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      Helper Code for Debugging and Developing PHP scripts

      The following code is very useful for developing PHP scripts, testing and debugging them. It is PHP5 compliant.


      //coded for PHP 5
        * This class will define an object very similar to the Popmonger object returned by PopMonger 3 itself. This class
        * can be used for debugging purposes by modifying the fields near the top of the class. To use this class, 
        * either paste the following code into your script, or download the PopmongerClass.php file,
        * unzip it into the same directory as your Popmonger 3 script, and add the text  require('PopmongerClass.php'); 
        * to the top of your current PHP script.  If you are not running the script via apache or another web server, you may run
        * the script with the php.exe Command-Line interpreter.

      class Popmonger { public $fields, $headers, $headerText, $bodyText, $messageText, $failedAddress, $mimeParts; public function __construct() { /** * Fields that would be returned by Popmonger 3 if the "Parse feedback using delimiters" box is checked in * the Actions tab of the Task options. */ $this->fields = array( "Robert" , "Smith" , "bobsmith@university.edu" , "Oct" , "22" , "2006" ); /** * Headers that Popmonger 3 would return for this email. Note that this is an associative array, as is the * array returned by Popmonger 3. */ $this->headers = array( "subject" => "subject" , "from" => "from" , "to" => "to" ); /** * The raw header text for this email. */ $this->headerText = "Subject: ".$this->headers['subject']."\r\nFrom: ".$this->headers['from']."\r\nTo: ".$this->headers['to']; /** * The raw body text for this email. */ $this->bodyText = "This is the body which includes both HTML and TEXT portions if both were sent."; /** * The raw message text for this email. */ $this->messageText = "This is the raw message text which includes the ENTIRE MESSAGE, headers and all."; /** * The original sender address for created a bounced/failure address list. */ $this->failedAddress = "failedaddress@bounced.com"; /** * The MIME parts of this email, which would normally include any files attached. Feel free to use readfile() * here if you actually need to return a file for debugging purposes. */ $this->mimeParts = array( "file 1" , "file 2" , "file 3" ); } /** * This function will return the number of fields that have been successfully parsed by Popmonger 3 (in * this case, a count of the number of fields in the fields var array. * * @return - integer Number of fields parsed out of this email */ function FieldsCount() { return count( $this->fields ); } /** * This function will return the number of MIME parts in this email (in this case, a count of the number of * fields in the mimeParts var array. * * @return - integer Number of MIME parts in this email */ function MIMEPartsCount() { return count( $this->$mimeParts ); } /** * This function will return the message text associated with this email. * * @return - String message text */ function MessageText() { return $this->$messageText; } /** * This function will return the failed sender address associated with a bounced email. * * @return - String message text */ function FailedAddress() { return $this->$failedAddress; } /** * This function will return the header text associated with this email. * * @return - String header text */ function HeaderText() { return $this->$headerText; } /** * This function will return the body text associated with this email. * * @return - String body text */ function BodyText() { return $this->$bodyText; } /** * This function will return the i-th field associated with the email, based on the text that Popmonger 3 * parsed out. Note that this function does not perform any bounds-checking! Use the FieldsCount() function to * ensure that the index is within bounds. * * @param int - Field index to retrieve * * @return - String field value */ function Field( $i ) { return $this->fields[$i]; } /** * Send an email to this recipient. Note that this function does NOT actually send an email! It is only here * for debugging purposes. * * @param String - From: email address * @param String - To: email address * @param String - Subject of the email * @param String - Body of the email * @param String - Headers for this email */ function SendMail( $from , $to , $subject , $body , $headers ) { echo "Would have sent email to ".$to." from ".$from." with subject ".$subject."\r\n"; } /** * Redirect this message to another email address. Note that this function does NOT send email, it is only * here for debugging purposes. * * @param String - Email address to redirect this message to */ function RedirectMessage( $email ) { echo "redirecting this message to ".$email."r\n"; } /** * Reply to this message with this text. Note that thie function does NOT send email, it is only here for * debugging purposes. * * @param String - From: email address * @param String - Subject of the email * @param String - Text to reply with */ function ReplyWithText( $from , $subject , $replyText ) { echo "replying to ".$from." with subject ".$subject." and text ".$replyText."\r\n"; } /** * Save text to a file. * * @param String - Filename to write to * @param String - Text to write to this file * @param boolean - TRUE to append to a file, FALSE to truncate the file to 0 length and then write */ function SaveToFile( $filename , $text , $append ) { $write = 'w'; if( $append == TRUE || $append == '1' ) { $write = 'a'; } $fp = fopen( $filename , $write ); fputs( $fp , $text ); fclose( $fp ); } /** * Returns this header field. This would usually refer to the header fields parsed out by PopMonger, but * for debugging purposes returns the value of this element in the headers var array. * * @param String - Name of the header field to retrieve * * @return String - Value of this header field */ function HeaderField( $name ) { return $this->headers[$name]; } /** * Returns this MIME part of the email. This would usually refer to the MIME parts of the email, but for * debugging purposes returns the value of the mimeParts var array. * * @param integer - Index of the element to retrieve * * @return String - Value of this MIME part of the email */ function MIMEPart( $index ) { return $this->mimeParts[$index]; } } // End of Popmonger Class declaration //Instantiate a new popmonger object with the same name as the object returned by PopMonger itself. //$popmonger = new Popmonger(); //Confirmation that a PopMonger object was created. //echo "Made a new popmonger!";


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      Redirect to Multiple Addresses

      This script has been updated as Popmonger 3.0.48 and above can redirect to multiple email addresses natively. The use of multiple email redirection is demonstrated below.

      $popmonger->RedirectMessage( "Email1,Email2,Email3" );
      //Multiple Emails are passed to Popmonger as a single string, with each address separated by commas

      The following script still works, but has been deprecated by new functionality in PopMonger 3.0.48 and above


      $emails = array( "email1@mach5.com" , "email2@mach5.com" , "email3@mach5.com" );

      for( $i = 0; $i < count( $emails ); $i++ ) {
      $popmonger->RedirectMessage( $emails[$i] );


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      Save Bounced Addresses

      This example will save the failed address to a file "failures.txt", and then move to the next line. It will append any addresses to the list. Note that this example requires the PopMonger b17 or later.


      $popmonger->SaveToFile( "failures.txt", $popmonger->FailedAddress."\r\n", 1 );


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